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What Now?

The solution is always the same:


Now, you begin the rewarding process of consistently making small but meaningful changes. Don’t try to accomplish too much too quickly. Start small and be consistent in your efforts.

Don’t expect to change over night, be patient and enjoy the process.

Measure and record your results where you can so you appreciate your progress.

It’s a good idea to journal every day so that you become more self-aware and can celebrate your wins, however small.

Find someone to work with and hold you accountable.

When you work on any given Success Blocker it will invariably have an impact on other Blockers. Many of these Blockers are linked so progress made on one can in fact mean progress on many.

Choose your first one to work on carefully. Decide which is having the greatest negative impact on your life and work on that one first!

Good luck and let me know if there is anything I can do to help you!



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